
 motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicles [1], powered by an engine. Inline wheels and a motorcycle at high speeds is not inverted and remains stable due to the gyroscopic forces; at low speed continuous setting handlebars by the rider gives stability. Motor many variations: some motors are equipped with a foot board and not "handle injekan", like the Chinese motorcycle and side car and tricycle, commonly referred to as a trike. The use of motorcycles in Indonesia are very popular because the price is relatively cheap, affordable for some people and the use of fuel efficient and also very low operational costs. In the period widths used motorcycles for traveling long distances back and forth, from Jakarta to East Java, Lampung. This is caused by a motorcycle will put more pressure on travel expenses, in addition to it when it arrived at home can be used as an effective vehicle.

The types of motors

Cruiser, this type of motor typically has a higher handlebar position, position relative to the front legs, and seat position that is driving rendah.Posisi create ergonomic comfort in turn pegemudi.Motor Cruiser has limited power because of its design.
Dual Sport, has a high position of the engine, tires with a special surface to pass through a variety of terrain and handlebar position can be made so easily when passing dikelndalikan ringtangan.Motor machine of this type have a setting that focuses on power on lap down and the engine power is focused on teeth like a gear lower 2.Bobot 1 and was made as light as possible in order to develop the ability to explore a variety of terrain.
Touring, type of motor is used for convenience in traveling jauh.Kebanyakan touring bike has a fancy features like GPS, TV, Radio, large passenger seat, and lots of cabinets.
Scooters, small motorcycles which have good fuel consumption and agility in traffic squeeze.
Duck, or a moped called, is a type of motor that powered pedal bikes used to be dalah human and half-power, is now powered motorcycle over a scooter bensin.Memiliki control but is more economical than motor sport.
motor sport, the type of motor that has the performance and driving control lebih.Posisi was focused on keeping the center of gravity in order to control more controllable.
Sport Touring, touring and sport anatara Combined, sport touring bike is a motor sport that still has the convenience factors.
Electric motorcycle, a vehicle which does not use gasoline. Some citizens of Indonesia have long used this type of bike, whether for personal or business purposes.

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